Thank you for reading our book and visiting this page. All the examples in the book were estimated using Mplus 8. For your convenience, we designed them to be usable with the free demo version. You can download them (including datasets) here. Code for most models in R packages OpenMX was developed by Joshua N. Pritikin which you can find here and lavaan is also available, courtesy of Yves Rosseel. Please note that the estimation procedures of the various software differ. For example, OpenMx fits these models using full-information instead of sufficient statistics. For this reason the parameter estimates are generally similar, but the -2LLs don’t match closely. In addition to the scripts, we also offer you LaTeX code for all the equations and all the figures presented in the book. In case you have trouble downloading the files, it is probably due to the ever increasing browser and WordPress security settings. We also put the files in this repository. If you are interested in purchasing the book, please visit the following links: US, EU, UK.